Monday, July 13, 2009

hall of mirrors

The outside of this hall of mirrors had a huge sign that said "Mardi Gras", and was covered with festive scenes from said Gras. When you walked up, a carny (anyone who works at a carnival can be called a carny. They don't have to be wee) handed you a string of beads to wear. Inside, you navigated through the decorationless mirrors to a dingy stairwell. Once upstairs, you walked across a plain steel platform that had four of those wavy funhouse mirrors bolted to the rear wall. Next to one of them, there was a button. When you pressed the button, a shrill witch cackle rang out through a speaker above you. At the end of this bland white walkway was a purple twisty slide. This was the only way to exit "Mardi Gras". Because of this experience, I will never go to New Orleans.

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