Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Last week I talked about how I plan to take a walk down the train tracks and take pictures of stuff. This picture is almost like that. When I take the train, I like to set my camera to rapid-fire and hold it up to the window. Usually I get one or two pictures I like out of every one- or two-hundred I take like this. This is one photo that grabbed my attention.

I don't know what's going on here. It seems to be some kind of shed plopped down in the middle of a fence. It's not just a wall with a door in it, it's actually a three-dimensional structure that someone built at the edge of their backyard.

There are a lot of weird things about it. It's much bigger than a regular shed. You could fit a fleet of lawnmowers in there. Its placement is strange. Why was it built in the middle of a fence, rather than just in the yard? And If you assume that the fence is the boundary between these folks' land and the rail area, why does it straddle the two? (You can't tell from the picture, but the structure comes out beyond the fence). Baffling.

I like the blurry, out-of-focus quality of the picture. Yeah, any photo that's blurry and out-of-focus can seem dreeeaaammmliiiiike. But I think this photo works well because of the composition, this odd monument in the middle of the frame with the fence sections stretching to the sides, and the sharpness and richness of the trees and sky compared to the blurriness and dull brown + yellow/green of the lower half. I probably wouldn't hang it on the wall, but I like it.

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