Friday, April 11, 2008

Movers & Shakers

Last year the shirtless wonders from Movers & Shakers wanted some pictures of their rocking selves. We went up on the roof and I used my photographic machinery to capture their likenesses.

The top shot is my favorite from the shoot. My camera couldn't pick their faces out of the dark very well, so I ended up photoshopping them to an almost Top Model degree. If I had had a light up there I could've lit it better, but oh well. I really like the setting and composition, and I think it really works as a "band photo", so I thought it was worth sharing.

Matt made the giant portraits and pasted them to cardboard. Not much else to say about it. It was a great idea.

Sadly, Mikey, the drummer, plummeted to his doom shortly after we finished. Matt and Dan soldiered on, propping up his piece of cardboard at the back of the stage during shows. Somehow it just wasn't the same and they eventually replaced him, but never forgot him. RIP Mikey.

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