Tuesday, March 18, 2008

deconstructures pt. two

After a few months of scraping negatives with the intention of combining them, I decided to see how single negatives would look on their own.

Hey, they look pretty different. Instead of the dense, compacted hustle and bustle of the combined buildings, the single ones seem very empty and still. Whereas the combined buildings were deafeningly loud, these single ones are totally silent. It's like the buildings exploded, but a second later time and space just stopped. That's how it seems to me when I imagine them in the real world.

Like I said in the last post, these images only came about out of the process I decided to use, not from any specific idea I was trying to illustrate. So it's always been strange for me to look at them and try to figure out what they're all about. I'm still not really sure what these are about, but they do give me a much different feeling than the previous ones. More eerie, but also cleaner and prettier, if those words can possibly apply here.


Paz said...

These building photos are amazing. Have you made prints of these? I think they'd make a great show.

Aaron said...

Yeah, these are all scanned from prints. I've had some in a couple shows, but not in quite some time now.

Aaron said...

Wait, that's a lie. Last summer I did a 3'x3' piece for Rock & Art ( http://www.rockandart.org ). They still have 2006's pieces up on the site, but if I have a good picture of mine, I'll post it.